  • Additive manufacturing

New construction steel powder for wide application range

Höganäs AB launches a new low-alloyed construction steel powder, AM16MnCr5, for the additive manufacturing of a wide range of structural and wear resistant components in the automotive and general industries. The material can be used both as printed and in stress-relieved and case-hardened conditions. The steel demonstrates a good combination of mechanical properties and high printability.

“We can see a growing demand for low-alloy steels for additive manufacturing applications,” says Jerome Stanley, who is responsible for sales of additive manufacturing metal powders. “The AM16MnCr5 is a metal powder that is cost-effective and easy to print, and for which we have developed mechanical data and print parameters,” he says.

 “Additional case-hardening treatment improves surface hardness and wear resistance together with fatigue performance, which makes the material particularly suitable for applications such as gears and lobes,” says Anna Larsson who is working with AM metal powder development. 

The new low-alloy construction steel powder is produced by gas atomization and features good flowability and spreadability in the printing process. It can be used in powder bed fusion printers. “This new product complements our product portfolio for AM applications,” Stanley says.

Höganäs 3D printing construction steels




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