Electric motor solution with soft magnetic composites

Soft magnetic composite solutions for electric motors

When electric motor manufacturer Electric Torque Machines needed a simple, efficient and compact solution for its customers, it turned to Höganäs for help.

Electric Torque Machines (ETM) designs and manufactures unique electric motors based on transverse flux technology. The Arizona-based company developed efficient, high performance motors containing Somaloy®, Höganäs' unique soft magnetic composite, to help solve two of its customer’s challenges.

First, a conveyor company that wanted to reduce its overall drive system cost. The goal was to eliminate the need for a gearbox due to its poor reliability and efficiency, which was having a detrimental impact on its customer’s experience.

Second, a high-volume low-speed (HVLS) fan company's challenge to stop using a noisy, heavy, inefficient gearbox. The company wanted to stand out by becoming the first HVLS fan manufacturer to offer direct drive solutions for fans five metres in diameter and above.

ETM’s direct drive systems containing soft magnetic composite Somaloy solved these challenges. With its unique 3D properties, formability and simplified assembly, Somaloy opens up opportunities for compact, high performance and cost-efficient solutions.

Michael Christopher, ETM, says: “We chose Somaloy primarily for its unique isotropic flux properties and ability to form it into 3D shapes. Höganäs was the only supplier of powdered materials that met our specifications. We now use SMC for formed (pressed) axial flux conductors, which enable us to simplify assembly compared to laminations.”

Several years of development and optimisation of the technology, in conjunction with its market-leading customers, resulted in performance characteristics that make ETM's motors – with Somaloy components – unbeatable for certain applications.

Learn more about Somaloy®

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