Fuel injector actuator components
Fuel injection

Fuel injector actuator components

Accurate control of injection timing is necessary for optimal engine performance and proper emission control. A high-pressure fuel injector actuator thus needs to be designed with a fast response and precise control.

Höganäs soft magnetic composite solutions (SMC) for fast switching actuators ensure the unique combination of high magnetic saturation, fast response and 3D net shaping possibilities. The high magnetic saturation means that high force can be obtained. Both the material and process are cost-efficient and near net-shape production allows for compact 3D-designs.



Benefits of Höganäs’ solution for fast-switching actuators for diesel engine common rail system:

  • Up to 50% faster actuation
  • High performance and compact design due to unique material properties
  • Cost-efficient component production
  • High magnetic performance and high strength


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