2020/12/03 News

Höganäs in Brazil raises awareness during Blue November

The Blue November campaign is focused on the prevention of prostate cancer and seeks to raise awareness about the importance of the examination.

After the entire month of October was painted in pink and dedicated to women and the prevention of breast cancer, next it was Blue November and men’s turn to become aware of the importance of health care. The campaign, which has been gaining strength each year, raises the issue of prostate cancer prevention and symbolizes the change in the way men view their own health care.

This was precisely the focus as Höganäs, through the Human Resources and Occupational Medicine sector, started “Blue November” on the morning of Monday, November 9. As part of the programme, lectures were directed to men, as well as raffles, coffee breaks, animations, and the opportunity to ask questions with health professionals.

Theater with Blue November theme

Among the actions carried out by the company, the first was a lively performance alluding to Blue November from the theatrical group “Botija”, along with with prize draws.

Tests and lectures

From 16-19th November, just as during Pink October, all male employees underwent laboratory tests on the company's premises that contribute to health prevention.At the end of Blue November, Höganäs gathered its co-workers outdoors for a lecture from Dr. Novaes, a specialist in urology. The lecture aimed to raise awareness among men that conducting tests may be the best solution to prevent prostate cancer.

“Like Pink October, the Blue November campaign is a worldwide action for cancer awareness and prevention,” says Kelly Lima, who is responsible for the Human Resources department. “In this case, the focus was on men. We seek to diversify the communication channels and ways of raising awareness and caring for our employees. I thank everyone for their participation.”

The event was well received by participants. Check the testimonials:

Décio Rodrigues“Blue November brought very useful topics for us, especially for me who is already 53 years old, because through the event I was able to ask questions about preventive exams, diagnosis and types of treatment. The action brought awareness that taking the exams is the best form of prevention and that we need to break the prejudice.” Décio Rodrigues, Logistics.


Marcelo Prado“I really liked the event and taking the preventive exam at the company made it much easier for all of us. The lecture was also very informative, and the information I obtained here, I will share with my children.” Marcelo Prado, Logistics.  


Cláudio Reis“The Blue November week was very important for the awareness of all employees about prostate cancer and for prevention.” Cláudio Reis, Steel Shop


Emma Lefdal
VP Corporate Communications