2020/03/20 News

COVID-19 information from Höganäs AB

With the spread of the coronavirus, COVID-19, we have received a number of inquiries from our customers and suppliers, asking how the current situation affects their business with Höganäs. To date, deliveries from Höganäs’ operations are not affected and are running as usual, with orders being delivered on time.

There may be situations outside of our control, such as transportation or government actions, that could lead to disruption or delays with customers’ deliveries. In such cases, we will inform our customers and work closely with all parties to find a mutually acceptable solution.

To minimize the risk of exposure to the coronavirus for our customers and employees, we have decided to stop all travel, both domestic and international, until further notice. Höganäs sales and technical staff follow local laws and regulations, and will communicate with customers and suppliers by phone or Skype.

A letter with this information has been sent out to all Höganäs customers. Should you have more questions, please contact your local Höganäs sales representative. Höganäs continues to follow the situation carefully and will publish updates as we find it necessary.


Emma Lefdal
VP Corporate Communications